Saturday, November 24, 2012

Teen Room Decoration Video Tips

Parents, having teens, are to be creative, to make their children's space attractive and cozy. All teens want to look and feel themselves independent. While decorating your teens' rooms, permit them to take part in the process, for instance, to choose the colors of their space they would be proud of. The teenagers' world is usually so far from ours, but their decorating ideas might turn out to be great.

Here are some videos of decoration solutions for your teens:

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Flower Decoration in Interior Design

Any space - an apartment, a concert hall, an office or a restaurant will be look cozy and beautiful if it is decorated with plants and flowers. 
People spend at work for most of his life. Floral design has a profound effect on mood and well-being.  In ancient Egypt dominated citrus composition, in Rome - laurel, China enjoyed decorating the rooms with azalea, India - with orchids. Any company greeting visitors with flowers and smiles gains much trust and respect. Flowers have a positive impact, but however, remember that each color makes people different reactions and feelings. The red color is associated with wealth and luxury. Orange is the color of vitality and joy. Yellow is a warm color. It gives the impression of sunny warmth in the room. Green is reassuring,  it is associated with hopes for the future and can be considered the color of optimism. So  plants are always welcome in our office.

Here are a few flower decor arrangement video tutorials: